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Picture of Evgenij Bakulin

Evgenij Bakulin

November 7, 2023

What is the CAC?

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) refers to the total expenses incurred by a company to acquire and retain a new customer. This term is of particular significance to businesses as it directly relates to profitability and growth.

How is the CAC calculated?

The calculation of CAC involves summing up all costs associated with customer acquisition and retention. This may include marketing expenses, sales costs, advertising expenses, and other related expenditures. 

The formula for calculating CAC is:

CAC = Total Costs for Customer Acquisition and Retention / Number of Newly Acquired Customers in a Specific Period

Why is the CAC important?

CAC is crucial because it helps businesses assess the efficiency of their marketing and sales activities. A low CAC indicates that a company is operating cost-effectively and requires fewer resources for customer acquisition. Conversely, a high CAC may suggest inefficient marketing and sales strategies.

How does the CAC impact startups?

For startups, CAC calculation is particularly important as they often have limited resources. A high CAC can pose challenges for startups, jeopardizing their financial stability. Startups should aim to keep their CAC low to facilitate sustainable growth.

What factors influence the CAC?

CAC can be influenced by various factors, including:

Marketing and Advertising Strategies: The choice of marketing channels and strategies can significantly impact CAC.

Target Audience Selection: The selection of target audiences and the type of customers targeted can influence CAC.

Competitive Market: Competition within an industry can increase the costs of customer acquisition.

Product Prices and Margins: The prices and margins of a company's products can influence CAC.


The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a crucial indicator of a company's financial health. It helps assess the efficiency of marketing and sales strategies and is particularly significant for startups. A low CAC indicates cost-efficient business practices and can contribute to increasing the growth and profitability of a company. Businesses should always strive to monitor and optimize their CAC for long-term success.