REACT geförderte Beratung für Unternehmen mit Impact
Sustainable profitability through resilient business models. Professional strategy and process optimisation for start-ups and SMEs.
90% cost reimbursement through funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection

Diese Unternehmen vertrauen uns

Bis zu 44.100? Zuschuss auf unsere Beratung durch Förderung
Bis zu 44.100? Zuschuss auf unsere Beratung durch Förderung
REACT with impact ? Förderung des Sozialunternehmertums
Impact Unternehmen haben of nicht die Mittel für Unterstützung durch Experten. Mit diesem Förderprogramm ermöglicht das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Startups und KMUs Zugang zu kompetenter Beratung und professionellem Know-How
The modular programme aims to support community-based enterprises in the areas of profitability, stabilisation and crisis resilience. The main purpose is to strengthen the positive influence of these enterprises on social change processes.
Supported companies receive 90% of the consulting costs reimbursed.
Advice for SMEs
Consultancy tailored to individual needs to optimise the business model. We analyse the company and jointly develop concrete action goals and measures to increase profitability, optimise processes and improve other relevant areas.
Beratung für Startups
Individual consulting to analyse the business model and optimise it for sustainable growth. The goal is to develop a financially viable business model and achieve investor readiness. This improves the opportunities for start-ups to raise external financing.
Can my company be funded?
This is how counselling works
1 Getting to know each other
During a short virtual appointment we get to know each other and discuss the entrepreneurial challenges and goals.
2 Analysis of potential
In a further, extensive discussion, we identify the need for counselling and support and agree on the joint counselling roadmap.
3 Application
We submit the application for REACT funding to the funding agency. The application review can take up to 6 weeks.
4 Counselling and process support
We implement the counselling concept within a maximum of six months (funding period). We continuously send interim reports to the funding agency in order to review the counselling concept and adjust it if necessary.
5 Conclusion and Final Report
At the end of the advisory service, we evaluate the results and prepare a final report for the funding agency. We submit the final report to the funding agency for approval of the reimbursement of costs.
6 Funding and reimbursement of costs
The funding agency reimburses 90% of the invoice amount paid after release.
Our Services for Impact Startups and Social SMEs
Financing rounds
Finding investors requires know-how and up to two months of full-time commitment. We empower employees to conduct financing rounds independently.
Business models and forecasting
We create a detailed model that is permanently updated with current figures and trends. This way, you don't have to manage your company without data.
Performance Tracking
Identify relevant KPIs and monitor them using professional reports and dashboards.
Business models
Turnover does not always develop as expected. We help to identify the right alternatives.
Pivoting and crisis management
Crises threaten many young companies. We support the development of creative solutions and crisis financing.
Annual budgets
Joint development of a realistic budget with all stakeholders that promotes the strategic development of the company.
Pitch Deck
A professional deck is the ticket to investors. Development and design of investor-ready slides for the financing round.
Scenario analysis
Many paths lead to the goal. Modelling scenarios with probabilistic models and Monte Carlo simulations for informed decisions.
Liquidity management
Liquidity bottlenecks can unnecessarily endanger a company. Support in managing liquidity to avoid unnecessary risks.

What Is Social Enterprise?
Impact Startups and Public Benefit Companies
for which the social or community-oriented goal is the meaning and purpose of their business activity, which often manifests itself in a high degree of social innovation,
whose profits are largely reinvested to achieve this social goal and
whose organisational structure or ownership reflects this objective, as they are based on principles of co-determination or workforce participation or are oriented towards social justice.
What companies can be funded?
Companies that fulfil the following conditions are eligible for funding:
- Have their registered office or place of business in Germany.
- SMEs established before 1 April 2020.
- Start-ups founded between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2020.
- Pursuit of at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The goal(s) must be one of the main purposes of the company - a mere assignment of the business model to the goals is not sufficient.

Frequently asked questions
The funding programme enables impact start-ups and socially oriented enterprises to receive advice on individual problems. The aim is to improve profitability, optimise the business model, as well as growth and crisis-proofing. In addition, knowledge can be imparted for obtaining financing from investors.
Social enterprises pursue at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For example, a start-up in the medical sector could be assigned to SDG Goal "3 : Good Health and Well-Being". It counts as a social enterprise if the main purpose of its business activity is oriented towards the social and societal common good.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030. They are
- 1 : No Poverty
- 2 : Zero Hunger
- 3 : Good Health and Well-Being
- 4 : Quality Education
- 5 : Gender Equality
- 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7 : Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9 : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 10 : Reduced Inequalities
- 11 : Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12 : Responsable Consumption and Production
- 13 : Climate Action
- 14 : Life below Water
- 15 : Life on Land
- 16 : Peace, Justice and strong Institutions
- 17 : Partnership for the Goals
The following companies are excluded from REACT with Impact funding:
- Part-time activities
- Consultants
Companies with more than 50% of revenues from subsidies under the Social Welfare - Companies in the field of welfare
- Companies in insolvency proceedings, over-indebtedness or insolvency
- Affiliated enterprises with religious communities or legal persons under public law
The BMWK's REACT with Impact programme reimburses eligible social enterprises such as SMEs and start-ups 90% of our consultancy costs. In certain cases, the funding can amount to 95%.
After completion of the advisory service, the funding agency reimburses the company 90% of the paid advisory service. In certain cases, the reimbursement may amount to 95%. Reimbursement of costs by the funding agency is conditional on payments having been made to the consulting firm.
No. Companies of any corporate form are eligible for funding as long as the company's activities are oriented towards the common good.
No. The company must act in an economically sustainable manner. The distribution of profits to investors must not be the primary focus.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.