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Picture of Evgenij Bakulin

Evgenij Bakulin

November 7, 2023

What is inventory?

Inventory, also known as operating asset,, refers to all physical and sometimes intangible resources that a business owns and uses in the production of goods or services or to support its business activities. Inventory encompasses a wide range of assets, ranging from office furniture and production machinery to stock holdings and patents.

What types of inventory are there?

There are various types of inventory that can vary depending on the nature of the business. Here are some of the most common categories:

Tangible Inventory: This includes physical assets such as buildings, machinery, vehicles, office furniture, and IT equipment. These assets are crucial for daily operations and business processes.

Stock Inventory: Stock inventory includes all raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished products that a company has in stock. This is particularly relevant for manufacturing companies and retailers.

Receivables and Liabilities: These are intangible assets that appear on the balance sheet. Receivables are the money that customers owe to the company, while liabilities are the money that the company owes to others.

Intangible Inventory: This includes intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade names. These can represent significant value for companies.

How should companies manage their inventory?

Effective inventory management is essential for business success. Companies should:

-> Conduct regular inventory checks to determine the exact value of the inventory.

-> Optimize stock holding, as excessive inventory ties up capital, while low stocks can impact production. Striking the right balance is crucial.

-> Utilize inventory management software to keep track of their assets and efficiently manage inventory.


Inventory is an essential component of a company's financial ecosystem. Effective inventory management can help maintain financial health, increase profitability, and ensure long-term stability. Companies should be aware of how to best utilize their assets to maximize business success.