Our Partners

NumberSquare & Adam

Adam's controlling offers you everything you need for reporting, planning and controlling your finances.

No more copy-paste of numbers! Connect your accounting program - Adam prepares your financial data automatically and in real-time for reporting.

Create budgets and forecasts with our Adam planning templates. Plan profitability and liquidity in an integrated way and update your inputs as often as you want.

Your financial reporting is the visualization of your business success. Adam shows you your profitability and liquidity at a glance or in detail if needed.

What makes Adam unique?

Controlling with Adam = Software + Sparring Partner

Adam was developed to automate your reporting and to provide you with a sparring partner. Together you analyze, control, optimize and plan your business.

How does Adam work with NumberSquare?

Sometimes it takes more than just a controlling service to ensure the financial management of a company. NumberSquare accompanies companies as CFO and uses Adam as a controlling platform.

Adam automates reporting and planning, helping to effectively use the valuable time of NumberSquare's CFOs.

How do customers benefit from the partnership between Adam and NumberSquare?

Alle NumberSquare Kund:innen erhalten mit dem Code NUMBERSQUARE25 einen 25% Rabatt auf das erste Adam Jahrespaket.

In addition, there is a free joint onboarding with their NumberSquare contact person on top to get started immediately.


Liquiditätsplanung, Rentabilitätsplanung, Integrierte Planung, Forecasting, Controlling, Liquiditätsreporting, Rentabilitätsreporting, SaaS


Data import

  • Import of voucher data
  • Import of accounting data
  • All integrations
  • Manual entry of additional data


Reporting & Analysis

  • Profitability: Dashboard & Detailed Analysis
  • Liquidity: Dashboard & detailed analysis for cash flow and balance sheet
  • Excel export of detailed reports


Planning & Forecast

  • Budget planning on monthly level
  • Forecasting based on budget and reporting data
  • Planning & forecasting for multiple data sources


Target / actual comparisons

  • Profitability: Dashboard & Detailed Analysis
  • Liquidity: Dashboard & detailed analysis for cash flow and balance sheet
  • Excel export of variances