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Picture of Evgenij Bakulin

Evgenij Bakulin

November 7, 2023

What is the Runway?

The Runway refers to the timeframe during which a company can financially sustain itself before needing to explore new revenue streams or seek financial support. Essentially, the Runway is the distance a company can cover before it must close due to a lack of funds.

How is the Runway calculated?

The Runway is determined by dividing the company's available financial resources (typically cash and liquid assets) by its monthly expenses or the so-called "Burn Rate." The Burn Rate is the amount of money the company spends each month to cover its ongoing operational costs. The formula for calculating the Runway is:

Runway = Available Financial Resources / Burn Rate

Why is the Runway important?

The Runway is crucial as it helps companies and startups assess their financial health and stability. A longer Runway provides a company with more time to optimize its business models, increase revenue, or attract investors. It also allows for better planning and response to financial constraints.

For startups, the Runway is particularly vital, as they often experience losses in the initial stages and need time to establish themselves in the market. A sufficiently long Runway can alleviate pressure on founders and investors, enhancing the chances of long-term success.

What risks are associated with a short Runway?

A short Runway poses significant risks for companies and startups. Here are some key ones:

Insolvency Risk: If a company cannot extend its Runway and find new sources of funding, there is a risk of insolvency, leading to bankruptcy.

Quality Compromise: The pressure to generate revenue quickly may lead companies to compromise on the quality of products or services, potentially affecting the brand image in the long run.

Lack of Strategic Planning: A short Runway often forces companies to focus on short-term survival measures rather than pursuing long-term strategic goals, hindering long-term growth.

How does a long Runway impact strategic planning?

A long Runway allows a company to pursue long-term strategic goals and realize its vision. Here are some effects of a long Runway on strategic planning:

Innovation Capability : Companies with a long Runway have the flexibility to invest in innovative projects and research and development without the immediate pressure for quick profits.

Market Expansion: A long Runway enables a company to expand into new markets and gain market share without focusing solely on rapid returns.

Talent Attraction: Companies with a stable financial foundation can attract and retain highly qualified employees by offering long-term job stability.

Risk Tolerance: A long Runway encourages companies to pursue riskier, long-term projects and growth strategies that can create long-term competitive advantages.

How can the Runway be extended?

There are several strategies to extend the Runway:

Cost reduction: Companies can attempt to reduce expenses by optimizing inefficient processes or eliminating non-essential costs.

Revenue increase: By boosting revenues, companies can generate more financial resources to extend the Runway. This can be achieved through marketing, sales efforts, or entering new markets.

Seeking Investors: Startups can try to attract external investors to secure additional capital and extend the Runway.

Capital Retention: Companies can set aside funds during profitable phases to use during economically challenging times.


The Runway is a critical factor for the long-term success of companies and startups, providing a clear understanding of how much time a company has to stabilize its financial situation or capitalize on growth opportunities. The ability to extend the Runway opens up possibilities for sustainable development and shields against financial constraints that could jeopardize a company's survival. Therefore, monitoring the Runway carefully and implementing appropriate financial measures is essential to ensure the financial viability of a company.