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Corporate Finance

Picture of Evgenij Bakulin

Evgenij Bakulin

November 7, 2023

What is Corporate Finance?

Corporate finance is the process through which companies raise funds to finance, expand, and optimize their business operations. It is a crucial aspect of every business activity, enabling companies to achieve their operational and strategic goals, and invest in working capital, assets, and growth opportunities. It assists in addressing short and long-term financial challenges, ensuring the financial stability of the company.

Types of Corporate Finance

Equity Financing: In this form of financing, companies sell shares of their ownership, often in the form of stocks, to raise capital. This can be done through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or private placements.

Debt financing: Companies borrow money from external sources, such as banks or bond investors. It includes loans, bonds, and other debt-based financing options.

Hybrid Financing: Many companies combine equity and debt financing to optimize their financial structure and distribute risks.

How does the size of the company influence financing?

Large Companies: They often have access to various financing options and can diversify through both equity and debt financing.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): They often rely on loans, leasing agreements, and occasional investments from owners or investors, as access to public markets is more limited.

Startups: These typically depend on venture capital, crowdfunding, and angel investors, as they usually have no revenue or collateral.

How do companies choose the right financing option?

The choice of the right financing option depends on various factors, including:

Capital Need : How much capital is required?

Risk Tolerance: How much risk is the company willing to take?

Financial Capability: What financial resources are available?

Growth Goals: What goals are pursued, and how quickly should they be achieved?

Legal and Regulatory Requirements: What laws and regulations apply to the company and the chosen financing option?


Corporate finance is a complex but crucial element for the success of companies, regardless of their size. Choosing the right financing option requires a careful analysis of financial needs, risk tolerance, and growth goals. Startups, in particular, should focus on attracting the right investors to bring their visions to reality. Overall, corporate finance is an ongoing process that helps companies remain financially stable and grow.